Trouble Ticketing for Service Desk : UI Design

A large software development company delivering software solutions to telecoms and providing a call center service for troubleshooting customers' problems.

The problem

Troubleticketing allows to register incidents, provide preliminary analysis and deliver incident tickets to internal departments (developers, network or implementation engineers) tracking them down to the final resolving. The company aimed to reduce costs by lowering their employees’ workload. In their user interface, all tasks were placed on a single screen with variety of fields that were required at different stages of task completion. Each engineer worked on about twenty issues simultaneously but didn’t have an integrated view and therefore had to page tickets one by one. Navigation and information design were very poor since paths to key functions were hidden at other pages.

UI before redesign

Our solution

New information architecture arranged user tasks across three pages:

  1. Incident list highlights ongoing status, shows all significant data and provides direct navigation to each ticket without necessity to page back and forth between tickets. All task-related areas became visible through the menu.

    Trouble ticketing user interface after redesign: Incident list

  2. Incident registration form is handled by radically simplified set of fields with strong logic sequence saving temporal and mental resources during client’s call handling.

    Incident registration form

  3. Trouble ticket form fully covers the issue details and logs all steps towards it’s resolution. The set, placement and sequence of the fields fit to business logic at this stage. Frequently used services get higher visibility in the menu to be found easier.

    Trouble ticket form


The new solution has radically streamlined the troubleticketing process by eliminating traffic jams in searching issues, filling in forms and inter-department communication. Our design solution improved usability of exploration and navigation of the ticket tracking system and in particular improved work efficiency literally in times.